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Blog Posts

Includes Blog Posts, Blogs, and Comments.

See what each field/column from our “Blog Posts” template means including possible allowed values and examples.

Fields marked as “Export Only” cannot be imported/set in Shopify but can be exported with Matrixify export.

Excel Sheet Name

Blog Posts

When importing a file, to tell the app that you are importing Blog Posts, you need to ensure that the sheet/tab name is set to “Blog Post” or “Blog Posts”.

For example:

  • If using a CSV file then the file name can be “my-shopify-blog-posts.csv”
  • If using an XLSX file then the sheet/tab name would be set to “Blog Posts”. The file name for the XLSX file does not matter.

Even if the sheet/tab name is not set correctly, you will be able to manually change and set the entity you are importing after uploading file in the app.

See more on the Matrixify app import process and import user interface.

Need a quick start?

Columns Available For Export And Import

Basic Columns

Column Description / Example Value
ID ID is automatically generated number by Shopify to identify the item.
It is filled in by an Export.
Can be used for Import to identify and update existing Blog Posts.
When creating new Blog Post, leave this value empty.

Allowed Values


Handle This is what your store visitors will see in the Blog Post URL address like this:

URL address has a great impact on SEO, so be sure to give it a meaningful name.
Regardless, what you write here, the app will convert it to lowercase, and remove all non-URL friendly symbols.
You can leave it empty when creating new Blog Posts – in that case, the app will generate it for you from Title.

If the handle will have non-Latin characters like Chinese, Arabic or Russian, or any other language, it will get “transliterated” to the similar-sounding Latin letters by default. You can switch this option off in Options upon importing by unchecking “Transliterate Handles to English alphabet”.

Whatever you will put in the Handle column, the app will convert it to the required Handle format, which is acceptable by Shopify.

When updating Handle the app by default will also create a Redirect from old Handle to the new one. You can turn this off in the Import options with importing a file.

Allowed Values

Any characters allowed in a URL

Command When importing Blog Post row – tell the app, what to do with it:

  • NEW: will try to create a new Blog Post with the provided details. If such Blog Post will already exist (with the same ID or same Handle), then the result will be Failed.
  • MERGE: will try to find existing Blog Post, and update it with data from the row. If such Blog Post will not be found, then it will create new.
  • UPDATE: the app will search for an existing Blog Post and update it. If an item cannot be found then that item will fail to import.
  • REPLACE: WARNING! Use this Command value to fully replace the whole blog post, not individual fields. Using this Command value, the app will delete the blog post from the store completely and create a new one only from data in the file, resulting in losing all data that is not included in the import file.
    If such Blog Post with provided ID or Handle exists, then the app will delete it. After that, it will create a new one. If an existing Blog Post will not be found, then still the app will create a new one. The difference from UPDATE is that it will not keep any of columns, which were not included in the import file since the Blog Post will be deleted and re-created. All the existing related Comments will be lost.
  • DELETE: the app will delete the existing Blog Post, which is found by ID or Handle. If such Blog Post will not be found, then the result will be Failed. This DELETE command is very handy for deleting Blog Posts in bulk.
  • IGNORE: the app will ignore this Blog Post and will skip it.

If no Command is specified, then the app will assume the UPDATE command.

Allowed Values
Title Title of the Blog Post

Allowed Values


Red Tshirt Story
Author The Author of the Blog Post

Allowed Values


Jimmy Kimmel
Body HTML A long description of the Blog Post.

You can write here just a plain text or format that text using HTML code.

You can put here additional images, videos, links to any other URLs: Blog Posts, Pages, Collections, Products or sites, tables, and so on.

You can learn about HTML capabilities online, for example, or use some online video courses, like from or

The best way to create HTML Description is to write one Blog Post in the Shopify Admin, format it as you like, and then do the export. Then you will see how that translates to HTML and will be able to apply the same to other Blog Posts.

The app is also doing some helping with the descriptions automatically to make it easier to use and fix popular issues:

  • Converting text to UTF-8 encoding.
  • Automatically removing invalid characters like “_x000D_” , “” , and such (ask Matrixify (Excelify) Support if there are any other characters invalid that need to be removed).
  • Converting plain text to HTML if this is not an HTML already – so that you have proper newlines and basic formatting.
  • Optionally removing images from HTML (if checkbox enabled in Import Options).

Warning:Be aware that Excel has a limitation of 32,767 characters in one cell. Your Blog Post body may not fit in that. If you open the exported Excel file and the Excel complains that the file is damaged and offers to repair it – then this might be the case. If it happens, your next best way to export, is to the “Excelfy: CSV” format. Then the CSV file will contain your full Body HTML – which you can import then to your other store.

Allowed Values

Text, HTML

Here goes the everything <b>you need to know</b> about <em>T-Shirts</em>.
Summary HTML A short summary of your Blog Post.

This is shown in the list of all blog posts so that the reader can see the short snippet of the blog post text.

It can be text or HTML code – the similarily to Body HTML.

Allowed Values

Text, HTML

T-shirts are for wearing. <b>That's it!</b>
Tags Tags allow you to add additional elements or “properties” to your Blog Post which you can use for filtering.

See this tutorial on how to bulk manage your Tags.

Allowed Values

Comma Seperated List

Funny, Smart, T-shirt
Tags Command Tell the app, what to do with Tags:

  • MERGE: will add Tags to existing tags. It means that you don’t need to list all the tags in the import file, you can import those which you want to add. If some of the tags you are importing already exist, then the app will ignore it.
  • DELETE: will delete the Tags that are listed in the import file. If the listed tag will not exist, then the app will ignore it.
  • REPLACE: will replace all existing tags with the tags from the import file. Use this method to maximize the import speed, because if you will use MERGE, it means that the app will need first to load existing tags which takes additional time.

You can also have Tags listed in multiple rows within the item and with different Tags Commands.
They will be executed in the same order within the item as you have them listed in the file.

If Tags Command is not set, the app will assume the REPLACE command by default.

See this tutorial on how to bulk manage your Tags.

Allowed Values
Created At

Export only

This column will only be exported.

It will be automatically set to the date and time when the Blog Post was first created.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Updated At

Export only

This column will only be exported.

It will be automatically updated, whenever you change the Blog Post data.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Published Tells, whether this Blog Post should be Published on your “Online Store”. If you will set it to FALSE, it will be hidden from Online Store, and clients will not be able to find it.

If you will leave this cell empty, then it will hide that Blog Post form Online Store.

Allowed Values
Published At This column can be exported and imported.

You can set a specific Blog Post publication date at the current time or in the past. Published At cannot be set in future.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Template Suffix Template Suffix allows you to specify another Template from your Theme for this specific Blog Post. For example, you might want to specify a different template for a Women T-shirts Blogs, which has different page colors.

Allowed Values


Image Src Link to the image. This link must be publicly available so that Shopify can download the image to the store.

A Blog Post can have only one image.

Once an image is imported, it doesn’t need to be hosted anymore with this link, because Shopify will download this image and store on their own servers.

If you don’t need to update image for Blog Post, just remove this column from Import file, and it will leave image unchanged when you do your import.

Allowed Values


Image Width

Export only

The width of the image, in pixels.
Image Height

Export only

The height of the image, in pixels.
Image Alt Text Alt Text for the Blog Post image. Great for SEO, because then search engines will know, what is inside the image.

Allowed Values


Woman wearing red T-shirt on horse


You can have several Blogs on your store. Each Blog can have many Blog Posts.

Therefore – each Blog Post needs to be associated with the specific Blog.

Those columns will describe that Blog.

You only need to have values for Blog: ID and/or Blog: Handle columns in all rows – so that each Blog Post can be linked to the Blog.

Since each Blog Post is updated separately then if you don’t need to update Blog fields each time, you can leave those other columns empty.

Column Description / Example Value
Blog: ID

Export only

Unique identifier for the Blog.

When creating new Blog, leave this empty.

This allows to identify the Blog and match it to the Blog Post of the same row.

When importing data – if the existing Blog is not found by ID, then it is searched by the Handle.

Allowed Values


Blog: Handle This is what your store visitors will see on the Blog or Blog Post URL address like this:

Blog handle works by the same principle as Blog Post Handle.

When importing – this handle is also used to identify the Blog if it cannot be found by Blog: ID.

If Handle is left empty then it will be generated from the Blog: Title.

Allowed Values

Any characters allowed in a URL

Blog: Title Title of the Blog.

Required only when creating new Blog.

Allowed Values


Everything About Tshirts
Blog: Commentable Tells whether the Blog Posts allow comments from the blog visitors:

  • no: Blog Posts cannot be commented.
  • yes: Blog Posts can be commented and comments will be instantly visible to everybody.
  • moderate: Blog Posts can be commented, but the comments will become visible to others only when you as a Blog Owner will approve them.
Allowed Values
Blog: Feedburner URL URL to the Feedburner / RSS / Atom service for pushing your blog changes to the platforms that notify subscribers about new posts.

If you don’t know what this is – leave it empty.

Read more in the Shopify article: Advanced publishing.

Allowed Values


Blog: Feedburner Path The subfolder (path) of the Feedburner URL.

If your Feedburner full URL is, for example, then your path will be tshirt-blog.

If you don’t know what this – leave it empty.

Allowed Values

URL path

Blog: Template Suffix Template Suffix allows you to specify another Template from your Theme for this specific Blog. For example, you might want to specify a different template for a T-shirts Blog than for the others.

Allowed Values


Blog: Created At

Export only

It will be automatically set to the date and time when the Blog was first created.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Blog: Updated At

Export only

It will be automatically updated, whenever you change the Blog data.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Row #

Export only

Will have row number from 1 till the end for each row. So that if you change the sorting in your exported file to easier update your data, you can sort it back by “Row #” and return it to the original sorting. Because, you know, all the item data should be together – and if you change the sorting, you need to sort it back.
Top Row

Export only

It will have value “TRUE” for each “top row” of the item. That can help you filter in Excel to get only the base rows, in case you need to get rid of repeated rows for each item. Some sheets already had this as Primary Row column earlier, but we have added it now to all the sheets now and renamed to Top Row so it’s more clear.


Each Blog Post can have many Comments – written by the blog visitors.

Column Description / Example Value
Comment: ID

Export only

Unique identifier for the Blog Post Comment.

When creating new Comment, leave this empty.

This allows to identify the Blog Post Comment and match it to the Blog and the Blog Post of the same row.

When importing data – if the existing Blog is not found by ID, then the app will create new Comment. So be careful if you import the same comments two times with no valid ID then those will be added again and can result in duplicate comments.

Allowed Values


Comment: Author Author of the Comment.

Allowed Values


John Smith
Comment: Body Comments written by blog post visitors cannot be written in HTML to format them. But Shopify allows using the Textile Markup to add basic formatting to the text.

Allowed Values

Text, Textile Markup

This is *my* text.
Comment: Body HTML The HTML representation of the comment body.

This column will only be exported and you cannot import the HTML comments here – Shopify will ignore them.

Basically, this is used for showing those comments on the website.

Allowed Values


<p>This is <strong>my</strong> text.</p>
Comment: Email E-mail address of the comment author.

Allowed Values

Email Address

[email protected]
Comment: Status Status of the comment:

  • pending: Comment has this status only for a short moment after posting – then Shopify system moves it to respective other status depending if the comments are moderated or not. When importing, you cannot set the comment to “pending”.
  • unapproved: The default status of the comment if the “Blog: Commentable” is set to “moderate”, which means that the comment is waiting for manual approval from you.
  • published: Comment is approved and is showing on the website.
  • spam: Comment is marked as a spam and is not showing on the website.
  • removed: Comment is removed (deleted) from the website. If you have this comment ID in an earlier export, you can restore the removed comment by updating its status to “published”.
Allowed Values
Comment: IP

Export only

The IP address of the comment author at the moment of posting their comment.

Comment: Browser

Export only

The browser – also known as “User Agent” of the website visitor at the moment of posting the comment. It allows determining the browser kind, version and even the operating system of the commenter.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0
Comment: Created At

Export only

It will be automatically set to the date and time when the Comment was first created.

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Comment: Updated At

Export only

It will be automatically updated, whenever you change the Comment data.

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Comment: Published At The time when the blog post Comment was Published – made visible to the public.

You can set this time to what you need.

Allowed Values

Date & Time

2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200
Comment: Command Tell the app what to do with the Comment row:

  • MERGE: If the Comment with specified “Comment: ID” will be found then it will be updated. If it will not be found then it will be inserted as a new comment.
  • UPDATE: strictly only update existing comments. If the comment with specified “Comment: ID” will not be found then this item import will fail. Using this when you update comments will allow you to make sure you are not creating any duplicate comments by accident.
  • DELETE: will delete that particular comment if it is found by specified “Comment: ID”. If it will not be found then it will be just skipped, assuming that it’s already deleted.

If no value is specified then the MERGE is assumed by default.

Allowed Values


You can add up to 250 custom metafields to the Blog Posts.

Just start the column name by “Metafield: “.

Read the description on Metafields page.

SEO Fields

SEO fields are actually Metafields with the following names:

  • SEO Title Metafield name is “Metafield: title_tag”
  • SEO Description Metafield name is “Metafield: description_tag”

Export Filters

In the Matrixify app, you can apply filters to Export only specific items from your Shopify Store.
When creating new export, select what you wish to export, and under that entity click on the “Filters” button.

Note: total displayed item count and estimated time won’t be affected by the filters applied.

Filter Description
ID Allows you to list specific Blog Post IDs to export or not include in the export, separated by a comma.

Possible Conditions
  • equals to any of
  • not equal to any of
Title Allows you to export Blog Posts whose Title contains or does not contain specific text, separated by a comma.

“Matches pattern” condition allows entering wildcard symbols.
* – asterisk symbol will represent any amount of any characters
? – question mark will represent any one character

Possible Conditions
  • contains any of
  • equals any of
  • matches pattern
  • contains none of
Part of Title, other title, different title
Title * End of Title
Handle Allows exporting Blog Posts filtering the export by Blog Post Handle, separated by a comma.

Possible Conditions
  • equals to any of
  • contains any of
  • contains none of
my-blog-post-handle, your-blog-post
Created At Allows exporting Blog Posts which were created in the Shopify within a specific date range.

Relative date condition allows you to export Blog Posts that have been created in the last full amount of time.

For example – Last 1 Days, would export Blog Posts from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions
  • on or after
  • on or before
  • date range
  • relative date
Updated At Allows exporting Blog Posts which were last updated in the Shopify within a specific date range.

Relative date condition allows you to export Blog Posts that have been updated in the last full amount of time.

For example – Last 1 Days, would export Blog Posts from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions
  • on or after
  • on or before
  • date range
  • relative date
Published At Allows exporting Blog Posts which were published in the Shopify within a specific date range.

Relative date condition allows you to export Blog Posts that have been published in the last full amount of time.

For example – Last 1 Days, would export Blog Posts from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions
  • on or after
  • on or before
  • date range
  • relative date
Blog Handle Allows exporting Blog Posts filtering the export by Blog Handle, separated by a comma.

Possible Conditions
  • equals to any of
news, first-blog
Metafield Filters the Orders export by Blog Post Metafields.

Specify Metafield by:

  • Namespace
  • Key
  • Value
Possible Conditions for Text value
  • equals to any of
  • not equal to any of
  • contains any of
  • contains all of
  • contains none of
  • matches pattern
  • contains
  • does not contain
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Possible Conditions for Number value
  • equals
  • less than
  • less than or equal to
  • greater than
  • greater than or equal to
  • between
  • is empty
  • is not empty

Good To Know

  • The best way to understand what data goes into which column, create one Blog Post manually in Shopify Admin, and then export that.
  • You don’t need to fill in all columns to create Blog, Blog Posts or Comments.